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Belts Material Benefits
The Belts fabricated by ATI "Al MAZZAWI" feature advanced materials, made of PTFE (Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene) designed to survive aggressive industrial conditions:

Cryogenic to high temperature Belts operate continuously in the range of -150 to 260 C, without loss of any of their operational properties.

Sticky surface Thanks to the chemical inertness of the PTFE the belt surface are non-stick, along with a very low coefficient of friction.

Heat loss Given the minimal heat sink properties of the material, the belts heat-up faster and use less energy to maintain operating temperature, no matter how big the belts are.

Chemical attack Again thanks to PTFE coating the belts are not affected by most chemicals and solvents.

IR, UV or RF Glass fabric belts is compatible with most heating systems including IR, UF, RF media.

Dirt build up The belt surface is very easy to clean with minimal effort.

Moisture The Kevlar® belts are recommended for use in moist and steamy environments.

Static charge Whenever static charge is a problem, we can provide conductive anti-static frades.

Flex-Fatigue Nomex® fibers prove superior flex-fatigue endurance compared to any other fiber designed for high temperature belts.

Temperature distribution The open mesh belts allow for maximum air circulation, consequently, a higher operating speed matched with less power consumption.

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